Introducing HYVE Protocol

6 min readOct 25, 2020


Over time humanity has developed numerous different social structures, throughout various parts of the world and independently from one another. The most commonplace pre-urban social structure being the village, or the tribe, though they both ultimately serve the same goal.

As time passed, and humanity evolved so did our social structures. In more recent times, however, technology has far outpaced the way we interact with one another, which is at the very least, mildly alarming.

HYVE is changing that by shifting the current paradigm of the workforce through decentralization.

As a decentralized autonomous task marketplace, HYVE proposes a new model of collaboration, one based on meritocracy and in which individuals work in a peer-to-peer fashion from all corners of the world.

HYVE Protocol

Within the HYVE ecosystem, tasks can be differentiated with the assistance of various factors. The most prominent of those is the way tasks are verified.

This is a platform-specific differentiation, due to its nature which is based on the HYVE Protocol, one of the systems central parts.

Tasks are thus split into 2 categories:

  • Human Verified Tasks
  • Protocol Verified Tasks

Before this gets confusing, let’s dwell into what the HYVE Protocol represents and why it’s a central part of the system. Since automation has been the new hype for a few years, we couldn’t leave it behind.

The HYVE Protocol allows any digital task to become self-verifiable by nature. Let’s take an example: A mobile gaming company wants to reward the first x users who download the game and play its first 3 levels.

The company implements the HYVE Library and sets it up, then they’re good to go. They can change the scope of the task too, or even make it incredibly specific, such as getting a reward whenever you discover one of the game’s Easter eggs.

This goes far beyond games though — every time a task participant completes a predefined action, its proof is automatically broadcasted to the blockchain.

As a result, every event becomes immutable and publicly verifiable, allowing both the participant and the company to check the event proving the task’s completion.

Things you can do with the HYVE Protocol

Generally, the Protocol allows any user to create digital tasks with virtually no applicable restrictions in terms of mechanics. The most common examples would naturally be different forms of sign-ups, gamified tasks and things like surveys and questionnaires.

Global Surveys

An interesting application of our last example would be government surveys, where a small reward could be offered for the completion of said survey. Since this can very well be done digitally it would open the door for a new realm of statistics. People are incentivized to give the correct and honest answers and can even maintain their anonymity while doing so, allowing us to better understand the various phenomena around us and their effect.

If you want to make a survey about political orientation, or drug use in young adults, chances are most people would rather keep their privacy. This can further be used to get people’s opinion on a controversial topic while not creating everlasting effects on any individual, due to their choices. Things like abortion, legalizing certain drugs or who is allowed to serve in the military.

Artificial Intelligence

There’s also a rather unexpected application the protocol can have. Once the library is set up you can just start posting any task you want. Now let’s take a look at the way AIs work and learn. The most common method to train artificial intelligence is by teaching them how something works through consecutive iterations of that exact same thing.

Such as showing an AI 1000 photos that include a crosswalk where the crosswalk is colored, eventually making it possible for the AI to recognize a crosswalk in photos, without the crosswalk being colored.

Leaving aside that all of these tasks have become self-verifiable which already speeds up the process immensely, what’s even more interesting is that the AI itself can conceptualize and create tasks on the HYVE platform. Since there’s no need for verification then the AI can go through the whole process on its own.

This opens the door to a lot of unexplored avenues, particularly in how we understand artificial intelligence. It even allows for comparisons. Let’s take two instances of the same AI. Both AIs receive a task — learning how to differentiate various types of birds. Both AIs will get trained through HYVE and they are both allocated a specific budget for spending which for simplicity we’ll say is 100 HYVE.

The first AI, we’ll call him Joe, creates his own tasks based on the objective he needs to complete. The second AI, we’ll call her Amy, is helped by humans. The tasks are created with the same premise, however, in this case, Amy only learns from the result of the tasks and doesn’t have the option to choose those tasks which would best suit her.

What we thought 2020 would be like versus the reality

Doing this several times can lead us to understand a lot more about how AI really works, and what the best approach to train an AI is. Considering how important automation has become in the 21st century, this is only the first step in automating menial tasks so that we can truly focus our attention on innovation.

HYVE API Library

The HYVE API Library is the interface used for communicating with the protocol. Its purpose is to make it easier for developers to implement the Protocol functionalities in their app.

An in-depth view of the HIVE Library tech stack

Savvy users that already have a blockchain infrastructure implemented in their environment and want to communicate with the smart contract directly can do that as well. You can think of the library as the Ethereum blockchain and the API Library as the web3JS library.

The library will eventually be available in PHP, Javascript, Swift, Python, Java, Ruby and C++, to cover a significant number of languages and use-cases. (The first 4 are already in the works, with 2 of them in the testing phase and the other 2 in active development phase).

As HYVE grows as a company, we will make sure that our API Library and its underlying Protocol will become increasingly easier to use. Besides, we still have a lot of surprises in stock for you in regards to this particular topic, but more on this later on.

Using the HYVE Library or going the traditional way?

While the library is great for a lot of things, currently there are tasks which cannot become self-verifiable.

Most of these are either focused on creativity or are too technical, such as designing a new website or writing an editorial. These tasks still need some human input, due to their subjective nature.

There’s a whole world out there of self-verifiable tasks that you can start trying out with the HYVE Library, and there’s nothing stopping you from posting human-curated tasks or self-verifiable ones.

The choice is all yours, HYVE is only there to provide you with the necessary tools for collaboration and peer-to-peer interactions to develop in a meaningful way.

Let us know what your thoughts are on self-verifiable tasks. What’s the most useful one you can come up with?

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Written by HYVE

A DeFi centric autonomous ecosystem built on top of the multi billion workforce industry 🐝

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